Song:The Amazing Snakeheads – ‘Testifying Time’

  Despite having previously released no songs, The Amazing Snakeheads have already made a name for themselves after a notably feisty performance at Brighton’s Great Escape Festival, and more recently in a page-spread in the NME that just makes the Domino Records protégés look stinkingly cool. The trio’s Glasgow background adds a wealth of character to their sleazy scum-rock, painting a picture of stormy greys, decrepit, lonesome tower blocks, and scathing poverty (I’ve discerned all this from the Ken Loach film Sweet Sixteen btw – I know nothing about Glasgow).


  This aspect of the band’s appeal is laid at the forefront in this minimal video for debut single ‘Testifying Time’ – the heat-branded introduction of “Welcome to Glasgow” foregrounding the fearsome appeal of this hyper-charged threesome. Their angry temperament is impressively underlined in this exciting teaser – at less than one and a half minutes long the band make a massive statement. With lightning flashes of harsh and noisy guitar over a doomy riff, Dale Barclay (what a name) growls and snarls like a roughed-up Jim Morrison, and the result is a slab of grit that’ll make you wanna get dirty.